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Saturday, January 14, 2006

RD Gomez, Torpedo Grand Reserva

Date: January 14th, 2006
Time: 1:00pm Pacific
Huntington Park, San Francisco, California
Conditions: Overcast-drizzle, 56 degrees
Purchased: Gift from my wife's friend who's brother owns RD Gomez.

Tasting Notes
Nothing much happening this Saturday. It's raining off and on in the city so I decide to crack open this box of cigars a friend of Leslie's has left for me to try. Decide to take Amber out to the park and fire up one of the sticks. They are individually wrapped in cedar and then in plastic wrap. The first impression is promising, kind of sweet and pungent. Wrapper is oily and smooth. Once at the park I light her up... not bad for the first couple of draws, howver I notice the ash is brown and flakey, not a good sign of how this will progress.

Complete a couple of loops of the park, waiting for Amber as she has to sniff every tree. The smoke is starting to become tart and I start to believe that if the rain starts up again, I won't be disappointed in putting this one out. As we start back to Mason the rain begins and I toss this one in the trash. Probably will use these as "re-gifts" at the next company picnic.

Score: 86

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