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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hoyo de Monterrey Double Coronas (2004)

Produced: 2004
Made by: Prominentes
Vitola: 612
Shape: Parejo
Ring Gauge: 49
Length: 7 5/8 inches
Purchased: Baranows, Melbourne, Australia, 2006.

Date: October 7th, 2006
Time: 8:00pm Pacific
Location: Private Home and The Biltmore Hotel, Santa Barbara, California
Conditions: Clear and bright sunshine, Mild 73 degrees

The Locations
Looming on the calendar for months, I take the Friday morning “puddle-jumper” out of fog-enshrouded SFO and 50 minutes later I am in a cab speeding along PCH on my way to The Santa Barbara Biltmore to attend L’s cousins’ wedding.

I arrive at the old Biltmore which has been totally renovated and is an amazing indulgence of old world luxury and serenity. The accommodations, service and food are typical Four Seasons excess with someone always asking if they can offer assistance or give you a bottle of water (bloody Southern California!). A hangout for adulterous weekends by Hollywood, one can literally disappear into the lush foliage never to be seen or heard from again.

In-front of me at the check-in, Steven Cojokaru’s lap dog starts urinating on the beautiful Mexican tile floor. Cojo squeals with glee as three uniformed attendants instantly appear with mops and I realize how delightful it is to be back just north of La La Land.

The cousin’s nuptials have all the signs of being a the night of living hell. Making polite conversation with strangers, eating tepid warm fish or beef, drinking cheap wine, listening to ill-prepared speeches and having to dance to some Sinatra or Rod Stewart wedding ditty.

We arrive at a “friends” home in the low rent part of Montecito. We arrive on-time but the ceremony has actually started early. The invitation says 3:00pm and the bride and groom were already down the aisle at 2:55pm…what the hell is that all about? Was someone having second thoughts and was pressured to rush things along?

The ceremony is over in 5 minutes and the poolside cocktail reception drags on for 2 hours in the blazing sun before food is served. By the time the buffet line opens up, the mushroom risotto looks like Chinese sticky rice, and the salmon filet takes on the appearance of charcoaled carrot sticks.

There was no MC so the Groom and his buddies are in the pool house watching the ball game. The brides’ friend, who loaned the house for the wedding, has just delivered a somewhat insulting and defamatory speech about the bride, and publicly anointed a few chosen neophytes to join her in the main house (off-limits to everyone else so the sign on the window states) to enjoy their private French Champagne. I felt like I was back at Grimwade House being hunted down by the anti-Semites.

My only saving grace is that out of the corner of my eye I notice the kids table has fried chicken tenders, fries and a huge bowl of ketchup! As I lean over the 5 year olds to help myself, one of them starts screaming for Mommy because someone is “STEALING” their food.

All hell breaks loose as Mommy runs to the rescue accusing me of child abuse, so I quickly skipped over to the lawn and pulled out this extraordinary cigar.

The Smoke!

To me the HDM Double Corona exudes class. I first saw one of these over 12 years ago when I was invited to a charity event and had the fortune of seeing Milton Berle smoking one. It was at the Beverly Hilton back in the glory days when one could still smoke in-doors in California. Known for smoking El Producto's, I’ll never forget that Uncle Milty had two extra DC’s stashed into his tuxedo jacket pocket….geez, how many did he smoke in a day?!

I picked this one up 6 months ago and it is in excellent condition. No flaws it’s a dark tan and feels firm and smooth. I apply a cat’s eye and notice a crisp cut indicating some freshness that might benefit from just a little more ageing. The pre-light smell is subtle and aromatic.

It fires up easily and the taste and aroma are exquisite. As I take a deep draw, I immediately forget about the “chicken tender” incident. The ash is very firm and almost snow white.

L is signaling me to return to the table and they still haven’t cut the cake and it’s 7:30pm…..don’t these people know there is an agenda and schedule to keep at these things?? As the Barry Manilow tunes start to play, I wave the parking valet ticket at L and trot off to get the car to enjoy this beautiful smoke.

Rating: (5) CLASSIC
(5) Classic, (4) Outstanding, (3) Very Good, (2) Average, (1) Don’t Bother

Humidor: SMOKE SOON: 2007 - 2009
Smoke Now, Smoke Soon:1–3 Years, Put Away:3–7 Years, Vault:7-12 Years, Inheritance Gift:12+ Years

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