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Monday, September 11, 2006

Trinidad Robusto Extra (2004)

Trinidad Robusto Extra (2004)
Produced: 2004
Made by: Laguito
Size: Parejo with pigtail
Ring Gauge: 50
Length: 6 1/8 inches
Purchased: Baranows, Melbourne, Australia, 2006.

Date: September 10th, 2006
Time: Noon Pacific
Location: San Rafael, Marin County, California
Conditions: Clear skies, Warm 80 degrees

The Purchase
This cigar was highly recommended by Ben at Baranow’s. Wal told me he has archived away a number of boxes, as he believes further ageing will produce a classic smoke.

The Locations
It’s going to be a hectic Sunday and I have some “honeydews” (Honey can you do this…. Honey, can you do that…), one of which is a visit to the Bay Area Pet Fair and Adoptathon (don’t bother looking in the dictionary).

I love dogs….but this is a ridiculous display of gratuitous consumption and capitalism at it’s finest. In addition to the adoption agencies there are dog massages, dog psychic readings, organic “Zen” dog treats (which taste pretty good), dog portraits / photographs, and even a Lawyer who will adjust your will because “After you’re gone…. Your doggie still needs you”! What am I going to do, leave my cigars to Amber?

With the all the barking and yelping, side-stepping of dog feaces and urine, the blazing heat in Marin (it must have been 80 degrees) and the endless oodling of “isn’t that dog adorable”, I turn to Leslie and plead to be excused so I can return to the car to smoke my Trinidad.

The Smoke!
As you are probably aware, the Trinidad brand was used as official diplomatic gifts from the Cuban Government to foreign dignitaries and politicians. Interestingly, Castro never used Trinidad’s for his personal gifts, as he always preferred to hand out Cohiba’s. This is his preferred approach that is still practiced today, and as a result, the Trinidad brand has never recovered in playing “second fiddle” to Cohiba…. An unfair designation for such a great cigar.

The Trinidad brand was created in 1969 and had no pre-revolution history. It’s probably the most mysterious brand and was relatively unknown until it was released to the public in 1997. Up until very recently, they were available only in the Laguito No. 1 size (gauge: 38, length: 71/2”). This robusto is part of the new breed of models that were slowly marketed beginning in 1997.

What an incredible piece of art this cigar is. The construction is beautiful and the pigtail on the cap is a sight to behold. It reminds me of the fried won tons that are thrown at you at a Yank Sing dim sum fest Sunday brunch. I would love to witness the rolling as it must require additional origami skill to get the twist just right. I feel somewhat destructive as I cut the cigar with my Zino and snip off the pigtail. I was tempted to use my “cat’s eye”, but became anxious that a misalignment might cause some unraveling.

The cigar has a light tan / chocolate appearance with some plume. There are no visible flaws or veins and has a firm feel but is not hard. I light up and the draw is good and even. The initial taste is sweet and mild and it starts to develop stronger as I progress through. The ash is spotted and stiff.

As I enjoy this smoke I note what a pleasure the gauge and length are. Calling this a Robusto is somewhat a misnomer, as it is more elegant and reminds me of a shorter and more substantial Churchill.

The first set of the 39th US Open is almost over and I need to get back to the big screen before the Swiss guy kills the Yank. It will have to wait, as I cannot bring myself to extinguish this VERY GOOD smoke. At the end, it becomes even sweeter and stronger with no bitterness. It would still benefit from some ageing and I anticipate in 5 years this will become outstanding.

Rating: (3) VERY GOOD
(5) Classic, (4) Outstanding, (3) Very Good, (2) Average, (1) Don’t Bother

Humidor: PUT AWAY: 2009 - 2013
Smoke Now / Smoke Soon:1–3 Years / Put Away:3–7 Years / Vault:7-12 Years / Inheritance Gift:12+ Years

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