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Friday, July 07, 2006

Cohiba Limited Edition 2004 Sublime (2nd Review)

Produced: 2004
Made by: El Laguito
Size: Corona Gorda
Ring Gauge: 54
Length: 6 5/8 inches
Purchased: Baranows Lounge, Melbourne, 2006.

Date: July 7th, 2006
Time: 2:30 pm Australian Eastern Time
Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour, Australia
Conditions: Clear sunny skies, 70 degrees
Purchased: Baranows Lounge, Melbourne, Australia

Link to first review of this cigar.

The Purchase
This cigar was purchased at Baranows Lounge in Hawthorn, Melbourne, Australia. To learn more about Baranows and my buying experience, please refer to this post. I explained to Wal that I have not been impressed with these sublimes. He insists that these are destined for greatness and convinces me to try his selection. This cigar was from his horde.

The Location
We arrived in Sydney from Melbourne today on our way back to San Francisco. Leslie is off visiting a friend and so I decide to go for a walk along Circular Quay. It's a brilliant sunny Sydney day.

The Smoke!
I approach this cigar with some angst. Although there are many reviews online that indicate that this is a great cigar, my experiences have been to the contrary. I have a "bullet" punch as the cut. The cigar looks like it is in great condition. Spongy, firm to the feel and the cap is very well rolled.

I sit down on a bench facing the harbour bridge and carefully fire up the cigar. This is a monster of a cigar. Just putting something this big in your mouth would scare any self-respecting male! The draw is satisfactory and the burn is even. The ash is light grey and firm.

The taste.... well, it is aromatic and strong... perhaps too pungent. As I progress through the smoke I start to sense some bitterness in the finish. Oh no! It appears that this sublime is somewhat better than the last review.... but not much.... I'm sure this will spark some debate. My opinion is that the sublime is an excellent example in construction the habanos art form that "looks good on paper" but just does not reach it's anticipated result. Perhaps it needs more ageing? If I had my choice, I'd stick to the Siglo VI....

Score: 89

1 comment:

Anthony said...

In my opinion, First 2 or 3 puffs depend on the tool which you are using to light up the thing. But I thing, that is what i felt great about cohiba that it gets a little bit bitter after some time. But, not doubt, It is better than the Siglo VI